Hand Building Pottery | Nerrissa McKee | JN Long Cultural Arts Center

Hand Building Pottery

Learn how to build pottery with your hands – Taught by Nerrissa McKee

Hand built pottery is sculpting clay with your hands and simple tools without a wheel. Discover what you create with a few hand building techniques using slabs, coils, & molds.

Purchase clay & tools on the first day of clas for $30 or bring your own.

Tools needed: wire cutter, needle tool, scoring tool or fork, paint brushes, sponge, wooden knife, kidney scraper or potter’s rib, and 12 lbs. of cone 5/6 clay.

Each class meets once a week, please see available class times below:

Tuesdays: 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Wednesday: 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM